Saturday, September 3, 2011

Paul's Icy Frolic

When nature calls, Paul will frolic.

After the ride

A good steak in Anchorage with Turk. And perhaps a brew. Here's to a great ride!

The only ugly in Alaska is on your screen right now

And you're still looking at this?! Try to focus on the background.

Ice is nice!

From the road

He's a gift

Wherever we stop, people come and talk to Turk.  He's been my friend for 25 years, but strangers stop to say hello and leave 10 minutes later having made a new friend. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thanks to our sponsor, In-Vision

"Hawaii's leader in MRI"

You'll regret watching this video

2000 miles (so far) with one-wheel drive

Autumn comes early in Alaska

Only at the posh resorts

When on the road, we look for the upper eschelon establishments. This
photo is for Kate - it's a purple moose!

Another border crossing

Between Alaska and Yukon Territory


Camping on night five

Into Yukon

back into Alaska

Roughing It

Into the high country